What are dental veneers?

If you have cosmetic dental flaws, Dr. Shelly Ereth Barone, our talented dentist, may suggest veneers. Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells made from porcelain and attached permanently to the front of your teeth. A long-lasting solution to unsightly smiles, dental veneers can be used to:

  • Repair broken or chipped teeth
  • Close gaps or spaces between teeth
  • Whiten your entire smile
  • Perfect irregularly shaped or deformed teeth
  • Provide an illusion of straightness for slightly crooked teeth

Dental veneers in Metairie, Louisiana, are one of our most versatile cosmetic treatments.

How are veneers made?

Each veneer is custom made to fit perfectly onto your natural tooth. It generally takes two appointments at Shelly Ereth Barone to design, create, and place your veneers. Your tooth is first prepared by a light rebuffing process to ensure your veneer is not bulky or thick. Molds are then taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where your veneers are created. Once the finished veneers are back at our office, Dr. Shelly Ereth Barone will check each veneer for quality and fit before permanently cementing it into place. If you continue to take good care of your smile, your dental veneers can last for up to ten years. To learn more about veneers, contact us today to schedule your consultation at 504-832-1164. We are eager to serve your smile!